Outside Interests and Financial Conflicts of Interest
The Johns Hopkins University maintains the highest principles of integrity in research, education, service, and clinical care. Generating new knowledge or Intellectual Property (IP) and transferring it for the benefit of society often require interaction with commercial and other organizations outside the University. To advance knowledge, promote licensed technology and further its academic missions, the University supports and encourages many types of relationships with a wide variety of outside organizations. However, some arrangements can give rise to conflicts of interests in research and may create actual, potential, or perceived risks to research integrity, objectivity, or the safety of research subjects. In order to ensure that these arrangements are consistent with institutional policies and applicable regulations, they must be disclosed to the University and reviewed under the institution’s conflict of interest policies. This website contains information about the University’s policies on conflict of interest in research and disclosure and professional commitment as well as about the University’s online disclosure system, eDisclose.