The Johns Hopkins University
Homewood Conflict of Interest and Commitment

Staff and Committee Members

Conflict of Interest Staff

Laura Evans, MA, CIP
Executive Director, Homewood IRB and Conflict of Interest and Commitment Office
[email protected]

Sandra Hipszer, MPH
WSE, Assistant Director
[email protected]

Zarqa Tariq, MBBS
[email protected]

Conflict Review Committee

Voting Members:

Chair: Rachel Karchin, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Institute for Computational Medicine

Vice Chair: Vicky Nguyen, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Michael Betenbaugh, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Randal Burns, Ph.D., WSE. Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science

Vincent Hilser, Ph.D., KSAS. Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Jin Kang, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

Tyrel McQueen, Ph.D., KSAS. Professor, Department of Chemistry

Fadil Santosa, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Applied Math and Statistics 

Peter Searson, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering 

James Spicer, Ph.D., WSE. Professor, Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering

Non-Voting Ex-officio Members:

Alex Albinak, MBA, JD, University Administration. Associate Vice Provost for Research Administration, Office of Research Administration

Andrew S. Douglas, Ph.D., WSE. Vice Dean for Faculty, Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Laura Evans, MA, CIP, WSE. Executive Director, Homewood COI and Homewood IRB

Steven Kousouris, MS, MBA, Academic Centers. Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures, Executive Director, Technology Transfer

Larry Nagahara, Ph.D., WSE. Associate Dean for Research

Bertrand Garcia-Moreno, Ph.D., KSAS. Vice Dean for Natural Sciences. Professor, Department of Biophysics

Tiffany Lutskus, JD (Alternate, JHURA), University Administration. Office of Research Administration, Assistant Director

Nicholas Tymoczko, JD, Office of General Counsel, Associate General Counsel